High School Cast-in-Place Concrete Crack Investigation
A high school in Bellaire, TX consisted of a cast-in-place, reinforced concrete, slab-on-ground with intermediate grade beams and drilled piers. CA was retained to investigate distress that included cracking in the floors and walls in several buildings of the high school. CA performed, among others, a general condition survey, photographic and schematic documentation, and a relative elevation survey of the floor. CA also evaluated original plans, drawings, and project specifications for comparison with the as-built structure. The quality of concrete was also examined to determine the presence of any construction defects or deficiencies in the concreting operations.
A high school in Bellaire, TX consisted of a cast-in-place, reinforced concrete, slab-on-ground with intermediate grade beams and drilled piers. CA was retained to investigate distress that included cracking in the floors and walls in several buildings of the high school. CA performed, among others, a general condition survey, photographic and schematic documentation, and a relative elevation survey of the floor. CA also evaluated original plans, drawings, and project specifications for comparison with the as-built structure. The quality of concrete was also examined to determine the presence of any construction defects or deficiencies in the concreting operations.