Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement Interstate Highway Concrete Crack Repair
This project consisted of conducting a forensic investigation into the cause(s) of the observed random cracking in the continuously reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP) highway sections of Loop 375 in El Paso, Texas. During this investigation, CA conducted a visual inspection of the CRCP sections exhibiting distress, performed an examination of the concrete pavements being investigated, reviewed reports from other investigators, evaluated the concrete production records, and reviewed construction related documents including weather conditions and construction daily reports. The observed distress consisted primarily of random plastic shrinkage cracking. Findings indicated that high evaporative weather conditions, lack of protection of the concrete surface, and poor concrete curing practices contributed to the distress observed. Partial depth and full depth cracks were repaired at CA’s direct using a high molecular weight methacrylate crack sealer. Removal and replacement of the distressed concrete was not necessary.
This project consisted of conducting a forensic investigation into the cause(s) of the observed random cracking in the continuously reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP) highway sections of Loop 375 in El Paso, Texas. During this investigation, CA conducted a visual inspection of the CRCP sections exhibiting distress, performed an examination of the concrete pavements being investigated, reviewed reports from other investigators, evaluated the concrete production records, and reviewed construction related documents including weather conditions and construction daily reports. The observed distress consisted primarily of random plastic shrinkage cracking. Findings indicated that high evaporative weather conditions, lack of protection of the concrete surface, and poor concrete curing practices contributed to the distress observed. Partial depth and full depth cracks were repaired at CA’s direct using a high molecular weight methacrylate crack sealer. Removal and replacement of the distressed concrete was not necessary.