If you have a concern about a construction project or need help evaluating its condition, The Carrasquillo Group of companies, Carrasquillo Associates, LTD. (USA), Carrasquillo Engineering Services Group, PSC (Puerto Rico), Carrasquillo Engineering & Repair Services, S.A. (Panama) and its affiliate INFOREST (Colombia) would assist you. The Carrasquillo Group has been a leader in forensic investigations and troubleshooting of concrete and steel structures and infrastructure for over the last 40 years. The Carrasquillo Group of companies troubleshoots and diagnoses the cause of a structure’s distress and successfully develops repair recommendations by pulling resources within the Group. These resources include experience in structural design, construction, and knowledge of construction materials.”.
In addition to the vast number of resources within The Carrasquillo Group, petrographic examination at the microscopic level is a powerful tool often utilized in forensic investigations. However, the communication and collaboration between engineers and petrographers is critical to ensure clients achieve meaningful results from a forensic investigation. Having engineers that understand the petrographic process ensures that the samples are selected, extracted, documented, prepared, and examined in an effective manner.
The Carrasquillo Group’s approach and proven troubleshooting skills combined with strong partnerships with top petrographers have resulted in significant contributions to clients in the construction industry. So, if you’re concerned about your structure, give us a call today at 512- 358-7020 or visit our website, www.carrasquilloassociates.com