Vibrations from construction activity, oil and gas exploration, drilling, and blasting can cause both cosmetic and structural damage to structures. Carrasquillo Associates (CA) is familiar with the levels of vibrations needed to cause damage to surrounding structures and has extensive experience in structural vibration monitoring. CA can conduct structural vibration monitoring both at the source and at the structure and determine the decay function for predicting vibrations at other non-monitored structures.
As part of structural vibration monitoring, CA regularly conducts inspections of structures before and after being subjected to vibrations to ensure they are not damaged. CA’s investigation consists of, among other activities, a detailed condition survey of the structures and analyzing the excitation data including maximum peak particle velocity and maximum displacement following industry standards for the damage threshold level. In addition, CA regularly inspects damaged structures to determine if vibrations were the cause of the observed damage in addition to monitoring vibration from ongoing construction activities in order to prevent any damage.
For structural vibration monitoring, CA uses automated vibration monitors including triaxial geophones, seismograph, a weather enclosure, and a wireless data retrieval system to send automated reports to CA during the vibration activities.
Please feel free to contact CA for vibration monitoring and/or a vibration damage assessment of your structure.